Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Audience Of One

There's no better life than a life of my own pace. I don't want to live according to how my parents want me to, or how people around me do, or what is presented to me by the media. If I have to write a message to myself today, it will be:

You know who you are, deep down. Never let other people or circumstances (good or bad) dictate how you should feel about yourself. You are the apple of God's eye, priceless. Be content with what you have but never be satisfied. Keep desiring for more. Desire to give more, desire to receive more.


I want to be a better girlfriend this year!!


My mind was blank when, a few weeks ago, I was asked by one of my close friends what I envision for this year.

I never made New Year's resolutions and I am not planning to make one. We are encouraged by our church to make our visions for '08, though. I just made up some general ones, like giving more, read more books, eat in moderation..etc.

I hope I can come up with my '08 banner soon!!! :D


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