Tuesday, November 06, 2007

My Birthday Post

It's my 22nd birthday today! And I just want to give honor to YOU, amazing people who made/is making such a huge impact in my life:

family - my source of life (literal and figurative); I want to be a better person because of you.

UST friends - I found real and lifetime friends with them. You are for keeps.

high school friends - they're the reasons why I can look back with a smile. Thanks for the memories, here's to more years together.

- my very first connection to the ARTS world. For me, you're still the coolest friends I know.

brothers and sisters at church - amazing people who keep me grounded and sane. You make me see miracles in the smallest things because your love for Jesus is so loud.

IBS friends - my energy boosters. You drive me nuts and you keep me going!

June's family - the grooviest family I know (hehe, groovy?!)

June - my labeedoods. My present and future are with you.

Jesus - the MAN. You are my passion and You have my heart forever. I am being moved by Your Word and now I want to move You with my faith. (no pic available, haha!)

Life really is beautiful.


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