Monday, September 12, 2005

Two of my close friends/classmates celebrated their 2nd year anniversary last week.

And now that I am trying to figure out my own highlight of the week, their faces came to mind. Hello to the two of you!

It's amazing how two people stay together. Applause for those people who do and are planning to.

It isn't easy being with just one person all the time, when one forgets his/her obligations to the other. It gets tiring too, to just listen to this someone complain, cry, shout. It's hard to understand and be patient all the time, especially when your ideas and opinions come out and go out to different points. It feels sad to see the other going through pain, or whatever that causes him/her to cry. It kills to feel the other's pain, that you'd want him/her to pass it on to you so you could at least do something about it and not just sit there, grasp for the right words to say, say them, pat the other's back, hold hands, and realize that there's really nothing that you did to lessen his load.

See? It's not even guilt-free.

But the things I mentioned above do not even make up 10% of the JOY I am feeling right now. It's almost like driving the uber colorful bus from the Close-Up commercial. Or owning the coolest vintage wardrobe ever.

June and I fight A LOT. We become each other's worst enemies when we do. (Yah)

But after every misunderstanding, it's as if we have found another missing piece in a huge jigsaw puzzle we are trying to "finish" together. As we get to know each other more and more each day, we learn, accept and appreciate the things that we have and lack, even. And then I see us GROW. Together.

I pray to God that no matter how many fights we go through together,
we will be undisputed.
I pray that we continue to take care of each other,
that we always look at the brighter side of each unhappy day.
I pray that we do our best in understanding each other,
for we are two different individuals,
but just the same, blessed.


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