Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Recruitment Christmas Party at RED BOX, 12.20

My 2nd Christmas with IBM, spent with IBM people closest to me and saying 'See you soon!' to our dear Nika.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

My (Almost) Year Ender Post

It's the time of the year again to take time off to reflect on things that were. These are some of the things I learned this year:

1. What counts in everything is a sincere heart.

2. People can serve people wherever they are, whenever.

2.1. Humility is done, not said.

2.2. Jesus was a servant and a KING at the same time. He ate with sinners, he washed his friends' feet, he died for you and me. Serving equals strength.

3. Passion keeps people going.

4. Promotion is not earned, it's given to us by the Champion.

5. Love is spelled as T-I-M-E. This is MY challenge.

6. Talk is not cheap. It only becomes cheap when it brings people down.

7. This question rings in my mind all the time: If every person on this earth were like me, will the world be a better place to live in?

8. My future is only a few seconds away, not 'after 5 years'.

9. People watch and learn from each other.

10. Nothing beats childlike faith.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Right Choice

Today I learned that the nourishment that my spirit gets from being part of a group with the same faith as mine is immense. I was called to join this mighty group of women more than a year ago, and man, I can't stress enough how much my life has changed.

These are the women that I look up to, admire, imitate and love. = )

I call them 'friends', not because we smile at each other at church, or because we exchange gifts during Christmas, but because I know that we were called to be FRIENDS and we REMAIN to be.

To my dear Ates -- Len, Rhema, Honey, My, Kathy, Neng, Thez, Kat, Ira, Eden -- I treasure you.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

@ Silver City, Tiendesitas.

June and I arrived at the party about 8:30PM. Watched Mojofly up close. Loudgie (not sure with the spelling) is sooo pretty, June was taking pictures of her. Haha!

During times like these, a camera is essential.

Photos here.